
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Wedding vs. Marriage

As you probably know, I spend a lot of some time looking at wedding websites & blogs. I recently came across a post (or article) discussing how some peoplefocus too much on the wedding part as opposed to the actual marriage. And as you can probably guess, a lot of those marriages end in divorce.

It made me think. Yes, I want a fabulous, darn-near-perfect wedding (it can't be absolutely perfect, I hear), and I want the wedding day to be a reflection of us and our love, but the marriage is what it's really about. I don't want to get so caught up in having the "right" colors, the "right" flowers, the "perfect" dress and shoes and hair and forget about what the wedding truly symbolizes, and why everyone is really there.

[The wedding is just a day...the marriage is a lifetime.]

[caption id="attachment_59" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Christmas '09"][/caption]


Brittany said...

So very true. Im loving this blog. *Goes to add it to her favorites list*

Jamie Fleming said...

Aww...thanks for the love, chica!