
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Updates: The Dress!

So...I got my wedding dress a couple of weeks ago! Woo hoo! It was quite an interesting experience. It was super crowded being that it was a Saturday and this is 'busy season' since everyone got engaged over the holidays.

I only tried on four dresses because I had already figured out which ones I really liked and just wanted to narrow it down and pick one! I didn't want to be there all day {I'm not a fan of trying on clothes}, and thankfully, we were out in less than two hours.

So, I had a really hard time choosing between the first and last dresses and so did my crew, which consisted of my momma, sister and three besties. After I tried on the last one, I tried on the first one again. I swear to you, everyone in that store had something to say about it-- everyone was gushing over it and giving me their opinions, and to be honest, it was kind of weird. After much back and forth, I ended up choosing the first dress I tried on that day.

I ♥ it because it has the right amount of details for me, it fits me well, shows off the little bit of curves I do have, and it's comfortable. And, by the way, I didn't cry (not a crier) or squeal or anything like that; I did smile a lot though. What can I say? I'm a pretty laid-back person...

I first saw my dress online, but I didn't really ike how it looked on the screen. I decided to try it anyway because I loved the shape (mermaid), and I'm glad I did. Oh yeah, the wedding colors have been changed, too lol...the dress has gold accents, so I made my sister try on a gold bridesmaids dress. It really complimented what I had on, and it looked good with her skintone. Now, the colors are gold, hot pink/fuschia and burnt orange!

I'm happy that that part is out of the way, and now I can kind of figure everything else out. I'll be back soon because I really have to force myself to cut the guest list {for real, for real}. Until next time...

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Those colors sound really pretty together :)